Monday, November 26, 2012

Exploring Spokompton with TEAM NACHO LIBRE consisting of Millie, Rebecca, Stephanie, Nick and Samson

On a crisp fall afternoon on Tuesday the 13th Team nacho Libre went for a nice run downtown

and Samson unsuccesfully tried his charming moves on a nearby runner, but she was just stone cold. Literally

After our little run downtown we hit up Boo Radleys and enjoyed their bizzare collection of things to spend our hard earned money on. 

We then proceeded next door to the fine store/coffee shop known only as "atticus"where most of us developed beautiful mustaches:

 And then we dived into their literary section and began to expand our horizons with knowledge!

One of our favorite aspects about Atticus was the quote from "To kill a mockingbird" on their wall.
 After we left Atticus, Samson hijacked a parking meter.. just kidding

We decided to tak a picture from outside the store to display some of the interesting artifacts that can be found inside Atticus.

 And then on our drive home leaving downtown, we saw an advertisement for the GREATEST university ever and began to giggle excitedly like school girls.

And thus concluded our adventure into the lands of Spokompton. I mean downtown Spokane.


  1. Dear Team Nacho Libre: We apologize for hijacking your post to post our own adventure, unfortunately we are technologically challenged and cannot figure out how to make our own post.
    Our adventure began with the great quest to find a parking space. We searched for years and finally found the tiniest parking place known to man on the top floor of the parking garage next to the Riverside Mall. As soon as we clambered out of the car however, we realized that another car not twenty feet away from us was aflame. Though Catherine was loathe to leave her car to the jaws of the fire, the group convinced her it would be altogether more intelligent to escape down the elevator with all speed. Outside, we were nearly flattened by the arrival of too many fire trucks, and after that, the adventure became much more tame. We visited Boo Radley's and Atticus, snuggled with an adorable dog tied up on the street, and walked along the river front to the Hilton to get warm chocolate chip cookies. On returning to the garage, we discovered that no serious harm had been done to Catherine's darling car, thought it smelled of smoke, and the floor of the garage was rather wet. All in all, it was an exciting and successful adventure.
    (Also, I will email our pictures to you Maggie, since we are having such difficulty with this whole blog today. Thank you!)
