You will have noticed, through your careful reading of the syllabus, that you have two events to attend next week as required elements of our course.
These events are the Major’s Fair and Elective Fest (both sound exciting, no?); they are both easy to attend and have potential for gaining some knowledge of campus culture and academic study (and free candy—and it’s candy season!).
In accordance with attendance, you have a few simple tasks while basking in the academic life. (These can be completed in groups or with a buddy if you like—everything is more fun when done with friendly-type people).
Major’s Fair: Wednesday, October 31: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., HUB
On your way to lunch, or after checking your mailbox, stop by three major tables and pick up some swag. Also, talk to the representatives. Ask them to tell you something fun and exciting about the major, or to tell you why it’s a good idea to become a fillintheblank major. Write three of these things down on the back of a flier from one of the tables. Put your name on the flyer and turn it into your advisor.
ElectiveFest!: Thursday, November 1: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Westminster 252
Stop by Westminster (the home-away-from-home of your’s truly) and find out about English department electives being offered this Jan term and spring. There are good classes coming up that fulfill gen ed requirements and are taught by some darn good, smart people.
Pick up a flyer for a class you’ll think about taking and turn it into your advisor with your name and two reasons you think this class would be a good one for you.
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