Monday, October 22, 2012

Registration is Fast Approaching...

Next week you're meeting with your advisor to talk about your courses for next semester. You should sign up for a time using the sign-up sheet taped to your advisor's office door. You should show up with a couple of things:

  1. A thought-through list of courses you think you'd like to sign up for in January and Spring, fortified by your having made sure that they are offered at times when you can take them all. Use the "Search for Sections" option in Pirate Port (under the "Whitnet" options) to find open sections and times. Use the Whitworth online catalog to look at requirements for your major, and go here to take a look at recommended 4-year plans for your major.
  2. A few backup ideas about courses you'd like to take if you can't get the ones you're aiming for.
  3. If you can figure out how to find it and print it, or if your super helpful sophomore friend can help you get it done, bring a printed-out copy of your program evaluation sheet, too. It's in Whitnet, down there under "Academic Planning."
  4. A copy of your resume, as far as it has come so far.

The better prepared you are, the more we'll be able to get done in these quick sessions; if you're not perfectly well prepared, that's okay, though. Don't panic about any of this. Be aware (beware?), too, that you may have to be in touch with us about scheduling a couple of times before we get your schedule squared away, this time around. You guys are about last in line for registration, which means this semester you may have upperclassmen keeping you out of the classes you want. (That's okay. You'll be the all-powerful upperclassmen soon enough, blocking all those freshmen...)

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